
If you are looking for Mr Arvind Kejriwal led 'Parivartan- citizen's movement', kindly visit www.pcrf.in
This is a group based in the states of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. We are in the process for having a different suitable name for our group to avoid any future misunderstanding.
We are a group of young students and professionals from different parts of the country, who share the common passion for making a difference for the society, where all can share the development of the nation and make the country more proud and beautiful.

If you have the same aspirations and want to help the people while doing your job, education, etc; this may be the right platform for you, we welcome you to be a part of our mission.

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Fighting world hunger

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tell them "what is dream"?

I have visited a few school at Mainpath dist surguja {c.g.} condition of students is too much critical there. I realise there they people dont know even "what is dream "?.first we have to visualise them "what is dream "?.they people daily use to work hard(even primary school students) to earn ,boys go to jungle & fetch wood and sell they used to go for ploughing , rarely they used come to school,girls also go to fields at that place child marriage is also commonly prevails aboriginal boys and girls get married on the age when they have to learn a b c d they spend their money in wastefull manner never for futuristic aspacts . on my visiting at school no one make eye contact with me even no one told his/her name properly when i ask to them .

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